No Watching on Chris Armstrong Watch?

In the last few days, Andrew Shirvell has decided to 'privatize' his watchdog website on object-of-political-ranting-desire, Chris Armstrong. Strange choice, considering that his argument has been that he was simply staging a campaign of public protest against Armstrong's "radical homosexual agenda".

Now, his blog is open only to invited readers. Which seems even more insidious. Only his select group gets to hear his slander?

I was curious about Shirvell's extremist labels of Armstrong. When he wasn't calling him a Natzi and a radical homosexual, he was calling him a racist. And I wondered what that was about. His methods of challenging Armstrong's position of Student Assembly President of the University of Michigan are whack and warrant his dismissal as Assistant Attorney General, but it seems strange that he has chosen, now, to censor himself, when he has finally raised massive attention to the issues he wanted to raise around Armstrong's ethics as President.

So maybe now, we'll just never know. Surely he wasn't suggesting that Armstrong is a racist because he wanted co-ed dorms. It seems like there might have been a more productive way to stage a critique than tossing around empty epithets that just leave the taxpaying Michigan public and the University of Michigan community mildly horrified...and by the way, confused.

Anyway, it looks like Cox's office, or perhaps a separate ethics committee has heard our disgust.
Shirvell has taken leave. And is facing a disciplinary hearing.

As he should.
