not all landscapes suck ass

it's mostly about mental health. all those cherry blossoms in ansel-adams-ripoffs. i get it now. i think it has something to do with getting older.

or maybe it's living in the city - for more than like 3 years.

anyway. it's not about the viewer. well not really anyway. it's more like saying, hey guess what. i know i'm a morbid motherfucker (by the way, i found out today motherfucker is only one word)... i know i'm a morbid motherfucker, but the truth is ...

i like pretty colors, too. apple blossoms (which make for a pretty wicked white) and hawkberry and orchid in color. and not every pink lily has to resemble a long tongue in order for me to appreciate it. i'm as organic as the next one.

so the good word from the corridor is - all the trees aren't dead yet. and they're blooming like swollen cheekfat from kissing someone you really dig.
